Monday, March 11, 2013

Parent - Child Home Program- Salem Public Schools


Getting the Message Across:  Expressing feelings and wishes to children effectively and respectively


The way we communicate is a major factor in how effective we are in our interactions with children and adults alike.  This workshop will look at I-messages as a way to express feelings to others that doesn't blame, shame, put down or threaten.  We will also explore alternatives as a means of working together to solve problems.


Monday, March 18, 2013                                                      Transportation and childcare available.

6:30-8:30 PM                                                                       Please call Joyce Parent at 978-748-5931

Nathaniel Bowditch School                                                    for transportation and childcare. 

79 Willson Street


This workshop is funded by a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care awarded to the Salem Public Schools. Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Program 



Transmitir El Mensaje:   Expresar los sentimientos y los deseos a los ninos en forma efectiva y respetuosa 


La forma de comunicarse es el principal factor para la efectividad en nuestras interacciones con los ninos, y tambien con los adultos.  Este taller va a explorar los mensajes de YO-pienso/siento, como una forma de expresar los sentimientos a los demas, que no censuran, no averguenzan, no rebajan ni asustan.  Tambien vamos a explorar alternativas para encontrar formas de trabajar juntos en la solucion de problemas. 


Lunes  18 de marzo , 2013                                                   Disponibles transporte y cuidado de los ninos.

6:30-8:30PM                                                                       Por favor llamar a Joyce Parent al 978-745-5931

Escuela Nathaniel Bowditch                                                  para el transporte y el cuidado de los ninos.

79 Willson St

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