Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Whooping Cough Vaccines for Foster Parents

FYI- For those of you who take infants.  Your family resource worker will be asking for proof of immunizations.  Please have it for your next home visit or mail to your family resource worker (Deb, Gerald or Me)


I spoke to Christine Gaudette (DCF Nurse) today as an infant in care has whooping cough (Pertussis) and is in the hospital.  Doctors are saying this infant contracted whooping cough from an adult.  She feels strongly that we should have all foster parents provide documentation that they are up to date on their Pertussis immunization.  She explained that these vaccines are given as children but do “wear out” and need to be updated as adults.  (Children are now given a second dose in middle school).  Since this is highly contagious and could be fatal to an infant, she asked that we ensure foster parents are updated before we place an infant. Most doctors give adults a Pertussis Tetanus combination vaccine when updating the Tetanus. 


She wrote “Making sure that FP have updated immunizations is not a new policy, but should be considered good practice that we not place infants under 6 months of age with adults who have not been immunized”.



Kimberly LaPointe, MSW 

DCF Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress St.

Salem, MA 09170

Office: 978-825-3853

FAX:  978-825-9091

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